LOVING HEARTS | A Documentary

As many of you know I spend some time this last year in Uganda, filming for a nonprofit near and dear to my heart, Africa Renewal Ministries.  My first assignment while there, filming and photographing at Loving Hearts Babies Home and would finish two films for their grand opening a couple weeks later before leaving Uganda. 

Loving Hearts Babies Home is a home for babies who are orphaned and/or abandoned. Part of me has a difficult time calling them orphans, for the in the world's eyes that associate them with words such as alone, unwanted, unworthy, unloved.  Far too many times I see orphanages and the children within them being portrayed with an air of sadness and pity; perpetuating the mindset that a babies home is filled with hopelessness.  That is not the case though and Loving Hearts Babies Home is doing an amazing job working at changing the mindset.  That while these children may be orphans in the usual sense of the word or abandoned by their biological parents, they are far from being unloved or unworthy.  For they are loved by our Heavenly Father.  In response to God's love for us we love; which is juts how LGBH functions.  They love. They bring joy and hope to these children.

I saw that there was an abundant amount of joy. To be greeted every morning with their smiling faces as they jump up and down excited to see you, no much can beat that.


For two days I interviewed a few people who work there and was able to spend time with the babies, as they were waking up, as they learned to brush their teach, as they played, as they ate, as they took their afternoon nap (which I would have loved to take part in this after such a day).  In between the moments of capturing their day, it was wonderful to just be amongst all their adorable smiling faces.  I loved those moments where I could simply sit there and cuddle with one, two or ten babies all at once!  

One of my favorite days though was when I travelled to visit two families that now care for babies that have gone through LHBH.  Not only was I able to visit and interview them but had the opportunity to do so much from their homes.  What an honor it was for them to open their home to me, a complete stranger, welcoming me into their life and hear about their story.  What a joy it was to see these two boys interacting with their guardians (their parents) and how genuinely happy they are.  These are only two testaments of how Loving Hearts works, seeing the fruition o their labor.  

I'm loving the work I've been doing alongside ARM and am honored to be a part of what they are doing in the lives of so many.  I am excited to see how God has moved, is moving, and will move in the people of Uganda through programs such as Loving Hearts Babies Home and count it as a blessing to be a part of it, something I find full contentment and fulfillment in.    My heart is happy knowing these little babies are being loved as they are.  

Until next time!

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